Saturday, October 8, 2011

The 100 Most Important Words from General Conference

In the scriptures, the Lord often uses repetition to convey importance. Last weekend during General Conference, I took particular notice of how often certain words were repeated over the pulpit and knew there was something subtle the Lord was trying to convey that would be important for the next six months of my life.

When the text version of conference was released on Thursday, I ran all five sessions through a content analysis script that counted how many times each word appeared in the text. Omitting common words and articles, I derived a list of the 100 most frequently occurring words from General Conference.  The result took my breath away.

As I studied the list, a beautiful picture of the Lord's voice calling out to his children began to emerge. God. Lord. Father. Jesus Christ. Know. Love. Come. Church. Life. Time. Further down the list, Gospel principles important to church members received strong emphasis. Elder. Serve. Mission. Help. Family. Members. It was amazing.

Although initially I didn't quite know what to make of the words on the list, I knew it would be important for me to put them somewhere that I would see them multiple times a day, and since I spend so much time on the computer, a desktop wallpaper seemed like the perfect solution. The more times a word appeared in conference, the larger it appears in the design.

I also knew I couldn't keep this knowledge to myself, and that there might be opportunities to do this again in the future, so I made this blog to share not only this wallpaper, but future wallpapers as well.

If you'd like to download it, choose your screen resolution from the list below to get the version that will best fit your monitor. All I ask in return is that you pass it on. Please share this post on Facebook or Twitter (or Google+) using the social media buttons at the bottom of this post.

Download the Wallpaper